The second generation smart tachographs now automatically manage location data on departure and arrival thanks to the built-in GPS receiver, can record border crossings and document the vehicle’s position every three hours during the day, whether it’s loading or other work in progress éppen folyamatban lévő rakodásról vagy egyéb munkáról.
EBy 2025, all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes in international EU traffic will have to replace their tachographs. Also in buses and coaches with more than 9 passengers. The first months of the changeover are characterised by a shortage of equipment, with workshops complaining of increased demand and not being able to meet demand!
Across Europe, the replacement of tachographs is not progressing at the right pace, so :
According to the European Commission’s relevant committee, a two-month “educational” grace period may apply for the obligation to be equipped with an intelligent tachograph version 2 from 1 January 2025.
This means that, until 28 February 2025, control authorities would continue to focus on raising awareness of the obligation for operators who, for various reasons, have not yet managed to replace their tachograph equipment, rather than on penalties and fines during roadside checks.
The Commission has asked Member States to provide information on the national measures taken in this respect and on the way in which they are communicated (e.g. publication on websites).
However, be careful with the interpretation, because each European member state can decide for itself whether or not to make use of the moratorium! We, Hungary, do, so we allow you to drive around with an old tachograph! However, there is no credible information on the position of the neighbouring countries! Everybody should drive abroad at his own risk after 1 January 2025 if the vehicle is not equipped with a 2nd generation smart tachograph!
In order to review the Hungarian e-toll payment system and to reduce the negative effects that threaten the competitiveness of businesses, NiT Hungary and MKFE have drafted a joint letter to János Lázár, Minister of Construction and Transport, and Dr. Alex Bozóky, CEO of the National Toll Payment Service Ltd. In addition to these, the mandatory replacement to 2nd generation smartachographs will also impose a heavy burden on businesses! This is a 1000 Euro item per vehicle at least.
“Before the end of the week”, the news arrived that 14 countries have introduced an “educational period” during which no fines will be imposed for the lack of appropriate tachographs in lorries involved in international transport until 28.02.2025.
– Croatia
– Denmark
– the United Kingdom
– France
– Greece
– Greece Italy
– Luxembourg
– Poland
– Germany
– Romania
– Slovakia
– Spain
– Switzerland