1How many people can I book to travel by bus or taxi?
Our vehicles are available for 1-50 people, so we can solve the simultaneous transport of up to 1 person or a larger group!
2Is it possible to rent a vehicle from you without a driver?
Our vehicles can only be rented together with a driver!
3What payment options are available, do I have to pay in advance?
Our non-contractual partners can choose bank transfer, cash payment, but they can even pay by credit card! We usually ask for 80% of the freight as an advance.
4Is it possible to transport more packages?
Our company has 3 trailers of different sizes, so if they predict their need in advance, we can also provide a trailer!
5How can I order the transport task?
We also ask for a quote in writing every time, and we will confirm it in writing! We do not only record an order made by phone orally, our colleagues draw your attention to this!
6Can I cancel the ordered service?
Of course, we note that there are events that cannot be calculated in advance! Our cancellation policy will be announced in writing when confirming the order!
7Is there a motorway sticker on the vehicles?
Several vehicles have this right. If the customer wants to travel on the highway, we will of course provide this for a proportionate fee.
8Why do I need to provide our expected arrival time for a full day trip?
During the organization of the transport task, the observance of several rules must be taken into account, such as the driver's driving, rest time and working hours! Based on the information, we can decide if 2 colleagues are needed for the flight, and the approximate arrival time is also important for us due to the possible organization of the next day's work!
9Do they have hidden costs?
Of course they are not. The offer sent in writing includes the exact cost of the trip!
10Do they have a final cleaning fee?
No. The information applies to the intended use. In case of extreme pollution, the costs of cleaning will be further invoiced to the customer
11How many days in advance do I have to order the bus?
Of course, it is most convenient for us, and it is safest for you to ask for our offer as soon as possible! However, it is difficult to give an exact answer to this. It is possible that we can also respond positively to the order placed the previous day, but unfortunately this is not possible during special periods. Unfortunately, we have a finite number of capacities, but we always try to find a solution for our partners!